NACAD Registry – Primary Investigator, Dr Jackie Saw

The Non-Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease (NACAD) Registry is an ongoing patient registry approved by the UBC research ethics board for patients with non-atherosclerotic forms of coronary artery disease. Patients with previously diagnosed SCAD are eligible for this study.

(1) To evaluate the long-term clinical outcome (recurrent cardiac events, hospitalization, revascularization, and symptoms) of patients with NACAD.
(2) To evaluate the long-term outcome of the dominant subsets of patients with NACAD, in particular, SCAD and coronary FMD.

Study Population:
Patients who were previously identified to have NACAD on coronary angiography. Any NACAD patients who presented with ACS or stable outpatients are eligible. We anticipate that the majority of patients would be women.

For inclusion in the NACAD Registry please contact research coordinator Dr. Andrew Starovoytov ( or principal investigator Dr. Jacqueline Saw (

Dr Saw is also the principal investigator for the Canadian SCAD Study for more information on her research please visit